I’ve been thinking about birthdays quite a bit recently. I celebrated my birthday a few weeks back, and we’re heading into birthday season around the Baker household with all four of my kids’ birthdays falling within three-and-a-half months of each other. This past Tuesday both of my nieces celebrated a birthday.I don’t obsess about birthdays because of growing older. That’s a bit surprising considering my never-ending fixation with time and how quickly it passes. But lately I’ve been thinking about how unique our birthdays are for each one of us.I just turned thirty-seven years old and we celebrated with birthday cake, presents and a fantastic dinner. The kids gave me those homemade cards that I love so much, and my wife made sure that I had the small presents (chocolate covered peanuts, a book from the kids about why they love me, and a new pizza stone after my other one broke) that I much prefer over any expensive, extravagant piece of stuff.I got the first piece of cake. The kids hugged me and told me Happy Birthday a couple dozen times each, and with so much exuberance you’d think we were celebrating their birthdays. My four-year-old daughter helped me open my presents. We all enjoyed the day, but I was the complete center of attention.But the fantastic thing about birthdays is that they’re the only day of the year that it’s acceptable to be a selfish adult. Plenty of adults are selfish throughout the year. And 364 days of the year we look at those people and think, “My God what an asshole!” But if it’s their birthday then all of a sudden we think, “Well they can be like that because it’s their birthday.”I’ve always thought you can tell a lot about a person by how they celebrate their birthday.There are those who don’t even acknowledge their birthdays. I suspect they’re either from Puritan ancestry, or think that by not admitting that another year has passed that they’ll somehow slow the clock on their lives.There are those who go out of their way to inform everyone they encounter that it’s their birthday. This is the annoying person at work who wears a Birthday Girl pin just so people will tell her Happy Birthday. She’s starved for attention and probably has quite a bit of sadness in her life the rest of the year.There are those who turn their birthday into an excuse to take a vacation with their family and get away. They’re the ones who like to celebrate, but don’t need a bunch of people showering attention on them.And I think that we can also tell a lot about a person by whom they celebrate their birthday with. I always look forward to the birthdays around our house because I know that our family is going to be together and we’re going to have fun. There’s no greater excitement for a child than a birthday. If it’s their birthday, great, if not, that’s only a little less awesome.On what day is it more important to be surrounded by those who love you the most than the special day specifically devoted to you? What’s a party without the people you care about most? Although if you’re one of those people who are year-round selfish, you probably don’t care who’s around you that particular day because it’s all about you every day!So if you don’t celebrate your birthday, I’d suggest you start. You don’t know how many of them you’ll have left, and it’s the only day of the year that even a complete stranger will shower you with well wishes. Just don’t be obnoxious about it!And if you’re one of those selfish people who think every day is your birthday, you should know that most people think you’re a jerk.I hope your next birthday is a great one, and you take the opportunity to think about what’s really important in your life. You shouldn’t have to look far.They should be right by your side.PREVIOUS POST: It's Too Late When It's GoneIF YOU LIKED THIS POST I BET YOU'LL ALSO LIKE: Warning: It's Wife Appreciation Day!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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